Use-Apple-iPhone-for-credentials-on-access-control Avenger Security

Use Apple iPhone credentials on access control

 Brivo gives iPhone Credentials on Access Control

Introducing a innovative solution for streamlined access to corporate spaces. Say goodbye to bulky employee badges and hello to the convenience and ease of Apple Wallet integration. With Avenger Security , staff members can effortlessly access doors, elevators, turnstiles, and more—all with just their iPhone or Apple Watch.

Gone are the days of fumbling for a physical badge or struggling with clunky card readers. With Avenger Security , employees can quickly navigate their workplace without any unnecessary hassle. Whether entering a restricted area or simply moving between floors, this solution is designed to streamline your staff's daily routine.

Brivo is incredibly easy to use thanks to its seamless integration with Apple Wallet technology. Simply store your badge information in your wallet and you're ready to go! No more worrying about lost badges or forgotten PINs—your iPhone or Apple Watch is all you need.

In summary, if you're looking for a hassle-free way for employees in your organization to easily access corporate spaces using their iPhone or Apple Watch then look no further than 'None'. It's an innovative product that will make navigating around the office simple yet effective

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